文章来源: 丑-丑2015-01-13 23:07:30



这 个是完全非正宗的做法。鸡翅用大蒜、迷迭香、盐腌过夜,放到焖烧锅里,加橄榄油没过鸡翅,灶头上烧开,放到焖烧锅外胆内过夜。看肉量,如果是鸡腿,也许 需要再烧开一次,再焖半天,一直到肉可以差不多脱骨那个程度,然后连油一起转到盛器里,放冰箱封上,吃前放烤箱里 450F 烤到皮脆就可以了。

冰箱里封点鸡、鸭腿对上班族来讲很好,下班没空做饭,只要烤上一两只,再一盘沙拉,一顿就打发了。如 果觉得节能版不健康,找个时间做传统版哈。


2 磅鸡翅
2 小匙 西班牙烟熏红辣椒粉
1 小匙 香菜子粉
1/4 小匙 孜然粉
1/2 小匙 盐
1/2 小匙胡椒粉
2 瓣 蒜 剁茸
2 小匙 红糖
1 大匙水
2 大匙橄榄油

2 pounds chicken drumettes
2 tsp Spanish paprika
1 tsp coriander
1/4 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
1 1/2 tsp of minced garlic (about 2 large cloves)
2 tsp brown sugar
1 Tbsp water
3 Tbsp virgin olive oil

1) Wash and completely dry the drumettes.

2) Combine the spices, garlic, sugar, water and olive oil. Stir into a thin paste.

3) Rub the paste mixture over each drumette and put them into a plastic bag or covered glass container. Refrigerate and marinate for at least 4 hours.

4) Heat oven to 425 degrees.

5) Line a jelly roll pan with foil. Arrange wings in an even layer, discard marinade.

6) Bake 30 minutes, or until the chicken is cooked through. Turn once to ensure they are cooked through.

7) Transfer to a serving platter.

- See more at: http://www.tapenawines.com/spanish-recipes-wings.html#sthash.388JdrXc.dpuf

鸡翅洗净沥干,把调味料全部一起混匀,放入鸡翅混合,腌制4 小时以上或过夜。烤箱 425 度F 烤 30 分钟左右,就可以啦!