经济学人Economist 发表了这篇文章,关于亚裔大学录取的
文章来源: CirrusCloud2015-10-02 08:43:50


The model minority is losing patience

Asian-Americans are the United States’ most successful minority, but they are complaining ever more vigorously about discrimination, especially in academia




Some people fail to grasp the implications of unfair admissions for Asian-Americans. It is not about an Ivy degree only, it is more about the Career and social status in the future. The undeniable bamboo ceiling in careers has already blocked most Asian-Americans from moving up to realize their most potentials, (well, this happens to be a reason Ivies rejected most middle class Asian-Americans because their hope to become a big donor is slim) Ivies are regarded as the last straw to give a leg to the careers, as many companies have publicly admitted that they hire based on schools which they believe have selected the students for them. The consideration of disadvantaged socioeconomic students should definitely be encouraged, but Racial quotas? Explicit or implicit, it will hurt not only the Asian Americans, but the whole country, for the principal underneath will eventually backfire to races that are currently benefit from it.
