“吉利”派 - Pear Pie(减肥者慎入) (图)
文章来源: 雅佳园2011-02-03 23:43:41

日前烤了一份PearPie 送给朋友。过几天接到“抗议”电话:真的太好吃,忍不住,全部“独吞”,结果二周减肥成果Gone Gone,增重2 磅。。。所以先提个醒。不怕增重者,请继续:

“吉利”派  - Yummy Pear Pie:

*  Pie Crust: Use any pie crust recipe. 我图快,用了"Trade Joe's Pie Crust"
*  梨 (peeled pears):3  (cut in 1/4 each)
*  糖 (sugar): 110 g  about 1/2 cup
*  butter: 50 g
*  鸡蛋(egg): 2
*  面粉 (flour): 40 g about 1/3 cup
*  vanilla extract: 1 tsp
*  heavy cream:  1/4 cup

步骤 (Steps):
  • 1. 将切好的梨放在Crust 上 (Put Pear on the top of crust)
  • 2. 将糖放入蛋里打到充分混合 (Beat egg and add sugar, keep beating or use mixer mix them for 3-5 min)
  • 3. 融化butter (Melt butter)
  • 4. 将面粉放入融化的butter 搅拌, 加 heavy cream 搅拌均匀(Add flour to the butter and mix them, then add heavy cream, mix well)
  • 5. 将2, 4 混合 (Combine 2 and 4 well)
  • 6. 将5倒在梨上 (put 5 on the top of pears)
  • 7. 烤箱预热至380 F, 放进烤箱烘烤 至上面变金黄色, 大约35 - 40分钟(根据烤箱的状况调整时间)
  •  8. (Preheat oven to 380 F, bake them utill you smell the aroma and top becomes golden color)
  • 9. 趁热吃。吃不完进冰箱,冷吃也不错。Ready to eat. umm, yummy :-)
