文章来源: 天眉2006-10-13 08:10:38

I don't believe in fretting and grieving;
Why mess around with strife?
I never was cut out to step and strut out.
Give me the simple life.
Some find it pleasant dining on pheasant.
Those things roll off my knife;
Just serve me tomatoes and mashed potatoes;
Give me the simple life.

A cottage small is all I'm after,
Not one that's spacious and wide.
A house that rings with joy and laughter
And the ones you love inside.
Some like the high road, I like the low road,
Free from the care and strife.
Sounds corny and seedy, but yes, indeed-y;
Give me the simple life

很喜欢《Give me a simple life》这首歌,可能是跟我家的生活理念很像的缘故。一家人平安健康就是最大的幸福,物质上也没有什么特别的要求。衣服整洁就好,菜谱也是20年不变的“老三样”。家里有两个女人,首饰是少不了的。但也是随便放着,因为珍藏起来就会像丢了一样再也找不到。因此,家里除了彼此再没什么贵重的东西了。

家,不就是家人吗。A house that rings with joy and laughter, and the ones you love inside。平安是福,这就是生活的主旨。从不奢求,所以请给我我想要的简单生活就好。