文章来源: 小诌072018-05-11 19:50:07


DA Rose: Princess Alexandria of Kent

Climbing Rose: Pretty in Pink Eden

DA Climbing Rose: Claire Austin

DA Rose: Queen of Sweden

Floribunda Rose: Summer Romance

DA Climbing Rose: Crown Princess of Magarita

DA Rose: Earth Angel

DA Climbing Rose: Brother Catheral

Princess Alexandria of Kent and Summer Romance

From left to right: Climbing Rose: Pretty in Pink Eden; Princess Alexandria of Kent; Golden Celebration; Climbing Rose: Teasing Geogia

Climbing Rose: Cream Raspberry Twirl

第一朵爬藤玫瑰亟不可待地开了:crown princess of magarita

第一朵floribunda 'summer romance'这棵玫瑰健壮得吓人,上百粉色花朵一齐开放

另一棵爬藤玫瑰的第一朵花:cream raspberry twirl


Iris 开始开放
