【Unchained Melodies】优美钢琴曲十四首连播
文章来源: capuchino2010-06-15 23:22:15

专辑:Unchained Melodies
歌手:Robin Spielberg


一架钢琴竟有足够魅力,令人把此碟由头听到落尾由美女钢琴家Robin Spielberg演奏十四首醉人名曲包括电影《人鬼情未了》主题曲,示范录音,低音宏大,音色变化多端。

01 Soon it's gonna rain
02 Moonlight in Vermont
03 Moon river
04 Try to rememeber
05 Speak softly
06 Vincent
07 Hello, young lovers
08 Unchained melody
09 Smoke gets in your eyes
10 My funny valentine
11 They were you
12 If you really knew me
13 Anywhere I wander
14 I've grown accustomed to her face