At The First Sunrise of New Year 2023 (新年日出)
文章来源: farland2023-02-02 20:40:18

前天,让互联网上热议中的 AI 应用 ChatGPT 写了一首新年十四行诗 sonnet 。

当今 AI 的水平如何?表达了什么?
也许,她(他,它)在向人类宣告,2023 元旦,是 AI 纪元的第一个黎明。

New Year Dawns, with Promise in the Air

---- written by AI ChatGPT,recorded by Farland (远地), 1 Feb. 2023

The old year fades, and a new one takes its place,
With hopes and dreams that fill the hearts of men.
A time for growth, for putting fears to chase,
For seeking peace, for making amends.

The past is gone, a memory that's spent,
The future holds an endless, open door,
With endless possibilities and events,
That we can shape, if we try more.

So let us celebrate this time of change,
With courage, grace, and wisdom in our hearts,
For every step, a leap of faith to take,
And every moment, a new work of art.

A new year dawns, with promise in the air,
A chance to live, to love, to laugh, and care..
