文章来源: Brooks2010-03-28 23:11:57

我下班回家。 爸爸正在做饭。 胖胖在做中国的作业。 爸爸说, " 胖胖,告诉妈妈今天在学校发生的事情 " " 我和 Caden 打架了。 他想看我的作业。 我不想让他看。 我掐他的脖子。 他也掐我脖子。 但我起的头。 “

我一时吃惊得不知道该说些什么。 我知道你不知道该说些什么的时候最好什么都别说。 过一会儿我问他是否想要被别人同样对待,警告他不要再这样做。 他向我保证他和 Caden 已经握手言和。 它不会再发生这样的事了。 最后,我说∶“至少你说的都是真话,没有试图掩饰你的错误 " 。

惠惠刚成为反学校暴力委员会的第一个成员。 她在考虑找一些有意义的项目。 这是我的家人在不同层面。

I came back from work. Daddy was cooking. Pang Pang was doing Chinese homework. Daddy said, "Pang Pang, tell mommy what happened in school today."  “I had a fight with Caden. He wants to see my homework. I did not want him to see it. So I choked his neck. He tried to choke me back. But I started." I was in shock, did not know what to say. I know when you don't know what to say, don't try to say anything. After a few moments, I asked him whether he wanted to be treated the same way and warn him not to do that any more. He assured me that he and Caden had shook hand already. It would not happen again. Finally, I said, “at least you are telling all the truth and did not try to cover up your mistake."  Hui Hui just become the first member of anti social crudeness society in her school. She is thinking hard to find some meaningful project to take on. It is such a wide spectrum in my family.