每滴水里都藏着一个太阳----赞赞身边的女子 五 西湖女B
文章来源: yy562016-09-13 15:09:43



被誉为时尚街拍界真正的鼻祖、纽约活动地标的传奇摄影师,比尔·康宁汉(Bill Cunningham)。说:“时尚是最私人的事情。无论你穿着得好与坏,都是在表达着你自己的感觉。”


感谢现代科技,很快照片就收到了,不是十张,而是十四张。说是给我一个挑选的余地。菲姐的美照真是太多了,选择是一件很耗时费力的事。感谢她应邀还多选了四张,而且细心地在照片上注明了拍照的地点。我舍不得删,就把这十四张照片传给了10个朋友,大家的评论很有意思, 以下是部分评论:

Pretty, Fashionable,  Sassy, Adventurous, Trendy, World Traveler, Photogenic, Educated, Serene, Confident, Self Care,  Openness, Interesting,  An Explorer.

Dolly  具有数十年人士工作的经验,管理一到两万人。


 I am just making this up, but here goes.  This is not about the real lady, but it is an impression of the lady in the 14 pictures.


This lady is glamorous, with a beauty that is visible to all, both inside and out.  She has incredible energy.  She is talented and artistic, with an eye for beauty.  She lives her life with abundance and joy.  She is very unique.  You will never find anyone else quite like her.  She is poised, articulate, and sure of herself.  She is truly “of the world” – well-traveled, experienced, and widely recognized by others.  Despite this, she is really quite private.  She holds secrets, some which she shares with no one.  She loves yellow – symbolic of sunshine, warmth, and happiness.  She works hard, and she plays hard.  She is self-sufficient.  She takes care of herself.  She loves people but does not need anyone, and she does not mind being alone.  She does not like animals.  She creates her own thoughts, opinions, and stories.  She is the ultimate trend-setter, a leader more than a follower.  Even though she is happy, she is constantly seeking something that she has not yet found.

Dr M  高年资肺科医生兼管重症室


The lady in the picture is to my mind a woman of intelligence, very good taste, a sense of style combined with an artist's eye for photographic composition and balance. She seems well educated with an avid curiosity which takes her to distant lands and cultures. She strikes me as open minded, sophisticated, and probably an entertaining conversationalist.

Philip   (故事的) 讲述者Narrator;摄影爱好者



XWZH 退休医生,古董收藏爱好者

穿衣很鲜艳, 第一张真不错;服装,头巾,以及背景都非常搭;裙子都很有民族风味。

童年的回忆 社会学教授

应该是衣食无忧 没有老人 子女 宠物等等的牵掛 喜欢戏剧或者唱歌跳舞 追求永远年轻,对自己的装扮和姿色仍充满自信,不够高雅。

Ann 猫王(流浪猫)


HL 医美专家


他们的评论能不能验证了比尔·康宁汉(Bill Cunningham)的话“时尚是最私人的事情。无论你穿着得好与坏,都是在表达着你自己的感觉。”


下一篇 真的孝而不顺吗?






















