【市长变总统: 菲律宾新总统出篓】
文章来源: 弓尒2016-05-09 16:18:00


菲律宾昨天(9日)举行总统大选,投票于台北时间9日下午5时结束,据菲律宾当地媒体指纳卯(Davao)市长有「菲版川普」之称的杜特蒂(Rodrigo Duterte)确认胜选。

Rodrigo Duterte, the mayor of southern Davao city,

had secured more than 14.4 million votes, according to a count of 87 percent of precincts nationwide.

The closest of his four main rivals, former Interior Secretary Mar Roxas, had 8.6 million votes.

Final results are expected Tuesday.