文章来源: 哈德逊河畔的茶馆2009-09-12 20:49:16

女儿三年级的时候,我知道他们四年级要学生理卫生了,于是我就先给她个“head start",给她讲了‘egg and sperm,if they meet, they become a baby, otherwise they will get out of the body.’ 我讲完以后,她一本正经地说: “Is it true that I am the only one that was hatched, and all my brothers and sisters were dead??"  我大笑,不知道怎么解释。

刚来美国时,我去妇科医生那儿去做检查,医生是老外,她问我: “Are you sexually active?"  天哪!我们在中国学英语,谁学过这方面的词汇?? 我不解的说:“What is that?" 医生看看我,没说话。
