文章来源: MichaelC2009-11-11 19:49:17


这场比赛有几个大明星。休斯顿有全美出名的Brian Ching,洛杉矶有全世界出名的David Beckham。可以站在球场边一饱眼福。也可以好好抓几个镜头。不过,如果休斯顿赢了,即使没有好相片也值得。


Yesterday I received the approval for a journalist pass to the Houston Dynamo vs. Los Angeles Galaxy Western Final soccer game this Friday, 13th, 8pm at Home Depot Center. I'll be staying in LA area for two nights and return to Houston on Sunday morning.

I plan to make this trip a short "photographic expedition." I want to fully utilize my 400mm/2.8L lens during Friday's game and have some fun learning sessions on Saturday.

Go Houston Dynamo! (Houston Dynamo won the first two MLS championships)


休斯敦职业足球队:Dynamo 大蓝马