197 Fly-by-night
文章来源: 心在飞,泪在流2010-02-28 13:05:08

197 Fly-by-night

(PW) unreliable, untrustworthy

I don’t want to buy my computer from that store.  It’s a fly-by-night company; they may not be in business next year.


(free) Informal, adj.

1. Unreliable or unscrupulous, especially with regard to business dealings: "fly-by-night telephone companies that open up shop, sell some systems, then disappear when service is needed" (Mary Ellen Jordan).

2. Of an impermanent or insubstantial nature: fly-by-night fashions in clothing.



1. An unscrupulous or undependable person, especially one who leaves secretly without paying creditors.

2. Something of a shaky or impermanent nature.


1. unreliable or untrustworthy, esp in finance

2. brief; impermanent


n also fly-by-nighter

1. an untrustworthy person, esp one who departs secretly or by night to avoid paying debts

2. a person who goes out at night to places of entertainment


(MW) Function: noun  Date: 1822

1 : one that seeks to evade responsibilities and especially creditors by flight
2 : one without established reputation or standing; especially : a shaky business enterprise


(your) adjective

not trustworthy; esp., financially irresponsible


a fly-by-night person; esp., a debtor who runs away to escape debts