文章来源: 2009-10-11 07:36:49

为了爱,爱心,帮助那些孩子吧,如果你们可以 ... 总是难过的,但是又看到他们那么懂事, ,如果,心存良知,即便不能出多少力,我们也可以呼吁大家关注这些儿童。

如果你愿意帮助他们, 请你到这个网站:


这是G20开会的地方,伟大的宾西法尼亚,有成千上万的孩子, 等着你们去领养...

Waiting Children

Too many children and teens await permanency. 25,000 teens graduate from the child welfare system each year. Many of whom will live a life of homelessness and criminal activity. You can adopt if you are a loving adult willing to make a lifelong commitment to a child. It’s never too late to make a difference in the life of a waiting child.

waiting for families with enough room in their hearts and homes to love some very special children in need.