文章来源: 党组组长2017-11-23 19:52:35



党组组华裔老人倒垃圾遭枪击身亡 嫌犯终于落网
党组组长 发表评论于 2017-11-23 16:59:51


Tuesday morning at a bus stop on the side way around 8:40 a black with a old bike struck me intentionally. He passed me and then turned back on my way riding his bike and knocked me down on the ground! I felt very hurt physically and emotionally! I reported to 311 but did not get his bike ID. What should I do? Doctors said if I fall down I would never get up again, drop dead! but I survived this time. That was a miracle. What should I do further?
I remember the black's face though.

Later on I saw the black several times.
The police already has the incident on file.
But i really dare not to go ahead to deal with blacks.
