Thoughts on March Break 2009
文章来源: HanQiu2009-03-18 17:11:07

This week is March Break in 2009. I took this week off as vacation in order to bring my son to various activities.  Yesterday we visited ROM. Today we went to Ontario Science Center. Of the various things we did together, I like the two movies the most – The Alps and Journey to Mecca that we watched at the Ontario Science Center.  I learnt a lot from watching these two movies. 


The first movie is about the Mountain Climber, John Harlin, who wanted to climb the Eiger, one of the highest peaks in the Swiss Alps.  About 40 years ago at the age of 9,  his father climbed this peak and fell and died due to the broken rope. This has been a shadow in his mind for many years. He wanted to climb this mountain in his father’s name and he succeeded.  This mountain is notorious for its deadly avalanches and showers of falling rocks.   His success belonged to his unequivocal confidence with many years of hard training.  This means that every thing we do we can do well if we are willing to put our effort into it.  This movies is very well made with the beautiful scenery.  The mountains are breath-taking and inspiring. Someday I will visit the Swiss Alps. I wish my love one will accompany me for such a magnificent journey of life.


The second movie is even more inspiring.  It tells the epic story of Ibn Battuta, one of the greatest explorers of Islamic civilization, who left Morocco in 1325 and took a famed journey 3,000 miles east to perform Hajj (pilgrimage) in the sacred city of Mecca.  After that, he visited many other places in the world, including China. During his journey, he apparently gained a lot of knowledge and new perspectives of life. After watching this movie, I want to treat life as a journey - a journey of discovery and learning. Once we are enlightened, life will be joy instead of suffering. My love one will you understand this and will you accompany me on such journey of life?