Thought of the Moment
文章来源: 梦江南2005-10-02 23:01:15

Thought of the Moment
– to “Loved and Lost” from Lovewithyou

Dizzy though
With some liquor consumed along

Mind remains clear
But thoughts are carried away

“Loved and lost”
How precisely it is said

A gamble love is
Not everyone equipped to play

Hopelessly living in the wonderland
Dreaming girls are outdated

No longer fitting in the veracity
Fairy tales are only in dusted fables

Mutilated wings may struggle to take off
Angles have fallen from the Land of Promise

Sadness has gone with the wind
Could a broken heart ever be mended?


Loved And Lost -from Lovewithyou

‘Tis true, love is a fickle thing.
It comes and goes upon the wing.

It soars to heights beyond the stars,
Then leaves thy soul with empty scars.

But if it’s truly in thy heart,
It shall remain, it can’t depart.

Better to pay the lonely cost,
Than be the one who loved and lost.

By Mark Spencer