文章来源: 胡桃架子-2016-07-22 15:36:52

其实英文名字是:Farther than the eye can see -- 直译的话应该是:看不到的远方




这是我几天前偶然在Amazon 上点开这部纪录片时心里揣着的问题。

Erik Weihenmayer从小就被诊断患有一种不可治愈的眼疾,13 岁的时候终于彻底失明。他的父亲在他小时候就带他登山,即使失明以后,Eric仍然和父亲一起登山徒步。2001 年,Erik决定加入当年的珠峰探险队,希望能攀上世界最高峰。希望让世人看到,了解到虽然眼睛失明,但是他们还是有足够的能力;盲人和其他人一样可以成就很多事情。



世界上很多东西原本就不是眼睛所看得到的是不是?小王子里面的狐狸不少说了嘛:what is essential is invisible to eyes. 


这部纪录片Amazon prime 免费可看,推荐。


Farther than the eye can see

Mt. Everest?  Imaging being blind and climb Mt. Everest? 

What the point for a blind person to climb Mt. Everest or any mountain? What a blind person can see at Mt. Everest?  

I was intrigued by those questions when I came across this movie.  Yes, this is a documentary movie shot at 8000 meters high; this is a documentary about a blind guy climb Mt. Everest.

Erik Weihenmayer was diagnosed with a rare and untreatable eye disease at age three that saw him gradual lose his eyesight until the point of total blindness at age thirteen. 

Introduced to climbing early on by his dad, Erik decides to join a Mt. Everest expedition team and ascend to the summit of the world's highest mountain. 

In this film, we can see the amazing Mt. Everest, learn how a blind person can actually trekking by himself, and hear Eric tells us what he sees when he gets to the top of the world.  Indeed, what he saw was farther than the eye can see. 

“What is essential is invisible to eyes.”  This is from my favorite book “The Little Prince”.  Yes, our sense to understand the world is way beyond our eyes. 

A truly inspirational story and amazing cinematography!

After the movie, I took an interest of this Erik, did a little google search about him.  And what I found was even more inspirational. 

Erik – not only climb Mt. Everest, he also completed the 7 summits in 2002.   At 2002, there are only 150 people who complete 7 summits.