文章来源: 广陵晓阳2009-01-10 10:06:56

广陵晓阳 01-10-2009



然而,不知为什么,时光倒退到2008年的寒假。梦中,我们全家迁居到德国的法兰克福。安娜晴天带着小安娜开了8个多小时的车来看望我们。在法兰克福的罗马广场,大姐姐汉娜和她的一帮大学生朋友们组织了一场为“儿童基金(Children Fund)”募捐活动,包括音乐,表演,义卖糕点,拍卖绘画和手工艺作品。。。安娜是这次活动中的小明星之一。她和她的小朋友们帮助接收捐款。每一位小朋友有一位大哥哥或大姐姐带领着,穿梭在人群中。借着圣诞市场的人气,这场为“儿童基金”募捐活动反映热烈,人们慷慨解囊。小安娜手中的收款盘子满得都快溢出来了。大姐姐汉娜的一幅绘画作品也拍卖到相当不错的价格,只是没有梦到具体的数字。然后,不知为什么,就从梦中醒来了。

后记:梦醒后,我将睡在身边的先生摇醒,要与他分享我的美梦。可怜的先生朦朦胧胧地问:几点钟啦?我打开灯一看,回答:早晨6点差10分。先生说:不要捣乱!起床之后再告诉我。再睡一回儿吧。是啊,今天是星期六,按惯例是早晨睡懒觉的日子。但是我豪无睡意,因为梦中见到小安娜和她的妈妈感到的兴奋。并且,回想到梦中故乡的美味佳肴也使我垂延欲滴,无法继续睡懒觉。翻身起床,写下此文的手稿。然后,出去跑步。晨炼回来后,先生也起床了。我与他分享了我的美梦。先生也被我的幸福感染了,感受到我“见到”小安娜和她妈妈的快乐,只是加了一句“痴人爱做梦”。总之,昨夜的梦是一个美梦。虽然在现实生活中我们与安娜和她妈妈尚未谋面,但能在梦中相见也是一个愉快的经历。谁知道呢?也许有一天,我们在现实生活中也会相见。这让我想起来1996年亚特兰大奥运会闭幕歌曲 “The Power of the Dream”。 企鹅全家祝愿小安娜和她的妈妈安娜晴天在新的一年里幸福,安康,如意!

The Power of the Dream (Celine Dion)

The Power of the Dream

Deep within each heart
There lies a magic spark
That lights the fire of our imagination
And since the dawn of man
The strenghth of just I can
Has brought together people of all nations

There's nothing ordinary
In the living of each day
Theres a special part
Every one of us will play

Feel the flame forever burn
Teaching lessons we must learn
To bring us closer to the power of the dream
As the world gives us its best
To stand apart from all the rest
It is the power of the dream that brings us here

Your mind will take you far
The rest is just pure heart
You’ll find your fate is all your own creation
Every boy and girl
As they come into this world
They bring the gift of hope and inspiration

Feel the flame forever burn
Teaching lessons we must learn
To bring us closer to the power of the dream
The world unites in hope and peace
We pray that it will always be
It is the power of the dream that brings us here

There's so much strength in all of us
Every woman, child and man
Its the moment that you think you cann’t
You'll discover that you can

Feel the flame forever burn
Teaching lessons we must learn
To bring us closer to the power of the dream
The world unites in hope and peace
We pray that it will always be
It is the power of the dream that brings us here

Feel the flame forever burn
Teaching lessons we must learn
To bring us closer to the power of the dream
The world unites in hope and peace
We pray that it will always be
It is the power of the dream that brings us here

The power of the dream
The faith in things unseen
The courage to embrace your fear
No matter where you are
To reach for your own star
To realize the power of the dream
To realize the power of the dream