by来时路: I met with Tian Niu Ma a while ago
文章来源: 帮帮田牛妈2008-07-28 07:16:08
I didn't realize tian niu ma's situation until a couple of weeks ago because I didn't check out the qin qin bao bei session that often. I knew the bad news about her through the headline news at wenxue city. I gave tian niu ba a couple of calls beforehand as I was concerned about disturbing her rest.

Anyways I finally met with her after 5 o'clock this afternoon. I was waiting for them outside their apartnment and could see that tian niu ma is quite weak from afar. The first moment I saw her I realized that she's such a beautiful and kind woman. I liked her right away.

We walked to their room on the second floor and I could feel her arm being so bony. My heart was aching... I stayed there for 20-30 min. cause tian niu ba told me that she's been pretty sick lately due to meeting with lots of people who wanted to visit her. I also avoided talking any emotional topics such as her health and her son etc.. She really is a sweet and wonderful lady... I overheard her calling her husband "brother" once... looks like they've known each other for decades.

She showed me her son's picture and told me that niu niu has always been very popular since he was born. Lots of neighbours asked niu niu to take pictures with their kids... She also said that she and tian niu ba didn't expect that they could have had niu niu because the doctor said that the chance of their having a baby was very remote at that time...

I said goodbye to them because I knew that they had lots of stuff to deal with before flying back next Wed. early morning. I gave her a hug and felt that she was a little emotional.. but again I cheered her up because I didn't know how to deal with her sadness as she's such a great woman and I hate to see her break down...

After leaving their place, my heart started getting heavy... probably because I was trying so hard not to let her feel bad... I wanted to thank her for allowing me to know her and visit her as nowadays I seldom see such a pure and bright smile...

I exchanged email address with her and would sincerely love to keep contact with her.