【With One Look】纪念这个特别的日子
文章来源: e梦圆2010-03-28 11:22:04

youtube 链接 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mmy4byLZ7z4&feature=youtu.be

今天是“我的梦音乐会”一周年纪念日。一年前的今天我终于圆了儿时的梦 – 举办了一场具备一定规模的个人演唱会。时光飞逝,转眼已经一年了,可回想当时的一幕幕依然那般清晰,激动。由衷地感激家人和朋友们的支持和帮助!那场演唱会是我人生一个重要的里程碑。

十几年前去百老汇看的"Sunset Boulevard",当时就被这首剧中代表作-"With One Look"深深打动。这是我近两个月前录的,本想再改进一下,但万事缠身,没能来的及。也只好这样放上来了。主要是想纪念一下这个特别的日子。

——————————————————————————————————————————— Sunset Boulevard is a musical with book and lyrics by Don Black and Christopher Hampton and music by Andrew Lloyd Webber. Based on the 1950 film of the same title, the plot revolves around Norma Desmond, a faded star of the silent screen era, living in the past in her decaying mansion on the fabled Los Angeles street. When young screenwriter Joe Gillis accidentally crosses her path, she sees in him an opportunity to make her comeback to the big screen. Romance and tragedy follow.

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With One look
From the Broadway musical “Sunset Boulevard”
Music by: Andrew Lloyd Webber
Lyric by: Don Black and Christopher Hampton



With one look
I can break your heart
With one look
I  play every part
I can make your sad heart sing
With one look
You'll know all you need to know

With one smile
I'm the girl next door
Or the love that you've hungered for
When I speak it's with my soul
I can play any role




No words can tell
The stories my eyes tell
Watch me when I frown
You can't write that down
You know I'm right
It's there in black and white
When I look your way
You'll hear what I say


With one look
I put words to shame
Just one look sets the screen aflame
Silent music starts to play
One tear in my eye
Makes the whole world cry


With one look
They'll forgive the past
They'll rejoice I return at last
To my people in the dark
Still out there in the dark




Silent music starts to play
With one look
You'll know all you need to know
With one look
I'll ignite the blaze
I'll return to my glory days
They'll say, "Norma's back at last!"


This time
I'm staying
I'm staying for good
I'll be back
Where I was born to be
With one look
I'll be me