文章来源: putizi2011-05-04 10:58:35

最近我不是在卖房子吗,周围很多热心的朋友包括我的中介给我支招,费了好大的劲把旧房子翻修装饰一新,放到市场上。这么低迷的房市,房子什么时候才能出手实在是不可预知。有个朋友特意叮嘱我,要在这里卖掉房子,一定要St. Joseph 帮忙!

谁是St. Joseph 原来是耶稣的养父,圣母玛丽亚的老公。朋友告诉我宁信其有,她的房子卖掉也许St. Joseph也帮忙了。我来到宗教用品小店--我路过多次,从来没进去过。问店员有没有St. Joseph雕像卖房用品包。 店员说,成套的都卖光了,只有单独的雕像。至于用品包里的说明,到网上一查就有了,所以买个雕像就够了。我买了雕像回来到网上一查,果真很多说明,还有很多怎么怎么灵验的反馈。怎么用这个雕像呢?要在卖房子的标志附近挖个小坑,比雕像深3寸,雕像很小,大概3-4寸高,然后把St. Joseph头朝下,脸朝路,埋起来。埋时候要祷告。祷告词也是固定的,每天都要祷告。等房子卖出去后记着把雕像挖出来,带回新家供着。 我都照做了,上市第二天中午我去把St. Joseph雕像埋在卖房牌子旁。祷告词还挺长的,我埋完雕像拿着打印出来的祷告词念了一遍。那天下午中介就打电话告诉我,有人来看房啦!耶!没准还真灵啊!

可是我没能做到每天祷告,没这习惯。我要看看St. Joseph是否真的帮忙。。。


O, Saint Joseph,

you who taught our Lord

the carpenter's trade,

and saw to it

that he was always properly housed,

hear my earnest plea.


I want you to help me now

as you helped your foster-child Jesus,

and as you have helped many others

in the matter of housing.


I wish to sell this [house/property]

quickly, easily, and profitably

and I implore you to grant my wish

by bringing me a good buyer,

one who is

      eager, compliant, and honest,

and by letting nothing impede the

      rapid conclusion of the sale.


Dear Saint Joseph,

I know you would do this for me

out of the goodness of your heart

and in your own good time,

but my need is very great now

and so I must make you hurry

on my behalf.


Saint Joseph, I am going to place you

in a difficult position

with your head in darkness

and you will suffer as our Lord suffered,

until this [house/property] is sold.


Then, Saint Joseph, i swear

before the cross and God Almighty,

that i will redeem you

and you will receive my gratitude

and a place of honour in my home.

