文章来源: fubin2023-06-15 03:33:18







英国颁布《自由大宪章》Magna Carta


《大宪章》(Great Charter),是1215615日英王约翰被迫签署的宪法性的文件。在随后的版本中大部分对英国王室绝对权力的直接挑战条目被删除;1225年首次成为法律;1297年的英文版本至今仍然是英格兰威尔士的有效法律。其宗旨为保障封建贵族的政治独立与经济权益,限制王权。大宪章是英国在建立宪法政治长远历史过程的开始,虽然《大宪章》在当时说是一份迫于形势下的权宜之法律,但它被后代视为民主英格兰发展的基石。

King John puts his seal on Magna Carta

Following a revolt by the English nobility against his rule, King John puts his royal seal on Magna Carta, or “the Great Charter,” on June 15, 1215. The document, essentially a peace treaty between John and his barons, guaranteed that the king would respect feudal rights and privileges, uphold the freedom of the church, and maintain the nation’s laws. Although more a reactionary than a progressive document in its day, Magna Carta was seen as a cornerstone in the development of democratic England by later generations.






U.S.-Canadian border established

Representatives of Great Britain and the United States sign the Oregon Treaty, which settles a long-standing dispute with Britain over who controlled the Oregon territory. The treaty established the 49th parallel from the Rocky Mountains to the Strait of Georgia as the boundary between the United States and British Canada. The United States gained formal control over the future states of OregonWashingtonIdaho and Montana; and the British retained Vancouver Island and navigation rights to part of the Columbia River.





《人民日报》(People‘s Daily),是中国共产党中央委员会机关报,1948615日在河北省平山县创刊,与新华社及中央电视台,并列为中国共产党和中华人民共和国政府官方三大传媒机构。1949315日,《人民日报》报社迁入北京。同年81日,《人民日报》转为中国共产党中央委员会机关报。是当今中国最具权威性和影响力、发行量第二大的综合性报纸,每天发行量曾高达300万份。并被联合国教科文组织及世界报业协会评定为世界十大主要报刊之一。