周末一笑: 思不断(转载)
文章来源: 南山松2016-07-01 15:42:39

1 思不断/Still care

After spending all day watching football, Harry fell asleep in front of the TV and spent the night in the chair. In the morning, his wife woke him up. "Get up, dear," she said.  "It's twenty to seven. "

He woke with a start. "In whose favor?"



注:英文中“差二十分七点”和“20比7”都可说成“It's twenty to seven” 。

2 推理/Reasoning

A fourth-grade teacher was giving her pupils a lesson in logic. “Here is the situation, "she said.  “A man is standing up in a boat in the middle of a river, fishing. He loses his balance, falls in, and begins splashing and yelling for help. His wife hears the commotion, knows he can't swim, and runs down to the bank. Why do you think she ran to the bank?"

A girl raised her hand and asked, "To draw out all of his savings?"



注: 英语中bank既有“河岸”的意思也有“银行”的意思。

3 戴帽子的用途/Cover up

An aunt of mine kept a hat by her front door, and whenever the doorbell rang, she would put it on. If it was someone she wished to see, she would remark how lucky it was that she had just come in. If it was someone she wanted to avoid, she would say how sorry she was, but she was just going out.


4 哪一个更危险/Which is more dangerous

After 20 years as a pilot, I became an airport manager and soon found the stress was getting to me. I needed a release and wanted to buy a motorcycle, but my family thought it was too dangerous. My wife said, "Why don't you start flying again?"

The next day, as I showed a businessman around the airport, he looked longingly at the planes. "I used to take flying lessons, but my wife made me quit," he lamented." She said it was dangerous.”

"Tell her you want to get a motorcycle, "I advised. My new-found friend now has his pilot's license.




5 最高评价/Best compliment

I had been grocery shopping with my friend Alicia, and we were looking for the shortest checkout line.  We started at opposite ends, and soon I found one register with a solitary man ahead of me. " Hey, Alicia! " I yelled. " This one looks good. "

The customer puffed out his chest and said, "That's the best compliment I've had all day."


那个顾客挺起了胸说:“ 这是我今天听到的对我评价最好的一句话。”

6 尽管读/Read it

When we work evenings, we often order take-out food at the office. One night we all gave our orders to Sharon, who wrote the selections on a self-stick note. Unable to find our list when she arrived at the fast food restaurant, Sharon stepped up to the counter. But before she could speak, the cashier recited the exact order. " How could you possibly know that?" asked Sharon.

"It's right there," replied the cashier, "stuck to your chest."

当我们晚上工作时,我们常常在办公室订些外卖食品来吃。一天夜里,我们把订单都给了莎伦。她把订单列在一张不干胶的纸上。等她到了饭店时,怎么也找不到那张订单了。沙伦走到柜台前,还没等她说话,收银员就背出了所有大家订的东西。“你怎么会知道这些的呢?” 沙伦问。
