文章来源: StillH2ORunDeep2010-05-09 12:30:09

今天早晨美国NBC电视台报道一位80岁的英格兰老太太Janey Cutler昨天在伦敦登台参加英国有天才Britain's Got Talent's )”节目一曲`Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien'让全场三千观众为之倾倒


她带有几分自豪,满面笑容地告诉裁判席中的Simon Cowell 80 岁的她,今天是来唱歌的,“I'm here to sing。” “I like singing, my friends say, 'Go in for it, better late than never'. I've had a great life, seven kids, hard times, happy times, no regrets."

Janey唱的是一首法国歌曲,“Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien -我没有什么遗憾。歌曲选的非常恰如其分。



Janey 对自己的演出及观众们的热烈反响非常高兴,送吻表示谢意


Piers Morgan故作惊讶又风趣地问,“Where have you been?” Janey回答说,她经常去酒吧与俱乐部。
Piers的打分是“Absolutely a massive YES.”

Amanda Holden对Janey雄厚的歌声非常惊讶,真诚地告诉她,“I think the loyal family would love you,
so I give a YES.”

最后,以刁钻苛刻著称的Simon Cowell问,“How many years you are waiting for this? ” 在Janey思索的
那片刻,全场都在静静地等答案。她平静地说,“I’m just thankful I’m here tonight.”

Simon由衷地告诉Janey,她赢得了"3,003 yesses"。

全场为她的最高分数欢呼。 媒体把Janey首次登台的成功与去年一唱天下扬名的Susan Boyle相提并论,Janey 很高兴,但表示希望有自己的成功方式,最重要的是享受这种经历。
"I love singing. I'm glad I'm getting to experience the good life and have some fun."

愿天下的母亲都能发挥自己的才华,享受生活,“late is better than never”.

No, nothing at all, I regret nothing at all
Not the good, nor the bad. It is all the same.
No, nothing at all, I have no regrets about anything.
It is paid, wiped away, forgotten.
I am not concerned with the past, with my memories.
I set fire to my pains and pleasures,
I don’t need them anymore.
I have wiped away my loves, and my troubles.
Swept them all away.
I am starting again from zero.

No, nothing at all, I have no regrets Because from today,
my life, my happiness, everything, Starts with you!

录像链接: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJX32goKHSI&playnext_from=SL href="file:///C:UsersShawnAppDataLocalTempmsohtmlclip1