Lady Gaga
文章来源: 小西瓜子2009-11-11 20:53:51
发现自己脱离流行乐坛很长时间了,(其实是自己老了,赶不上流行了)去年开始走红的23岁纽约歌手lady gaga

Playing piano by ear from the age of 4, she went on to write her first piano ballad at 13 and began
open mike nights by age 14. At age 17, she gained early admission to the New York
University's Tisch School of the Arts......

Gaga is inspired by glam rockers such as David Bowie and Queen, as well as pop singers such as Madonna
and Michael Jackson.She is also inspired by fashion, which she claims is an essential component to her
songwriting and performances. To date she has sold over 20 million digital singles and more than four
million albums worldwide.

Poker Face

前不久在SNL(Saturday Night Life)看到她精湛的现场演出,想不到她能够弹那么好的钢琴,真是一个非常有天赋的艺人,我所在的国家转播不了那段演出,但是北美国家的歌迷们应该都可以看到的,这里就只有那这首《狗仔队》替代了


这是一天前油管才出来的新歌《变质浪漫》,曲风是一贯的lady gaga,轻松活泼,朗朗上口,很容易让人颤动脚尖。和许多歌星一样GAGA也是一个有争议和绯闻的歌手,可是她的天才不会因此而被淹没,只要是好歌,就会流传。
后记:写这个帖子的时候,这首Bad Romance刚刚出来一天,当时youtub的点击就有2百万了,第二天发帖子到KT和乐坛,点击就达到5百万,今天又看了一下,第四天,7.7百万。有兴趣的朋友进来的话告诉我,你看的那天是多少点击率,谢谢。这两天实在喜欢她的歌,就在网上买了她的最新专辑《Fame》$9.9 和最新单曲《变质浪漫》$0.99。也推荐大家在网上买歌下载听听。

Bad Romance