回袜子: AA vs. AA vs AA
文章来源: 用户名被占用了2009-07-27 08:08:59
African A was discriminated in the past. Current US law try to correct it by the way of Affirmative Action.

Asian A in general was NOT subjected to racial discrimination in the past, although was discriminated based on culture, economical, religious reasons, just like Italian, Irish immigrants were treated.

Asian A in large part are treated equally in this country. Millions of us migrated to this country with almost nothing in the pocket. We survive and we prosper. This country and society treats us fair.

Of course we need to fight our right, it is called competition. But it is not a fight against discrimination, even \'racial discrimination\', which has been the main topic of African A. It is all about to get competitive edge in a capitalist country.