\'摄影\' -“浪与日出”
文章来源: 一语湖边_lakeshore2009-02-26 17:01:41

Clark Little wave photography: Images that show the inside of breaking waves
Photographer Clark Little has dedicated his life to producing stunning
pictures of the inside of waves

Photographer Clark Little has dedicated his life to producing stunning pictures of the inside of waves
Photographer Clark Little has dedicated his life to producing stunning pictures of the inside of waves Photo: SWNS

Photographer Clark Little has dedicated his life to film the world's ultimate waves and has now published his favourite shots of all time.

Clark, 39, swims in terrifying seas and crouches on shorelines with his waterproof camera to capture rarely seen views from inside a 'tube' - a breaking wave.

He has now unveiled this set of images which he says are the best he has ever taken and epitomise the world's deadliest surf.

Many of his photographs are shot at Waimea Bay in Hawaii - the home of surfing and immortalised in the lyrics of the Beach Boys song 'Surfin USA'.

They show perfect arcs of water and crystal "caverns" which are turned into a kaleidoscope of colour by sand and rays of sunlight.

Father-of-two, Clark, from Oahu, Hawaii, says he often risks his life to capture the "perfect wave".“克拉克来自夏威夷 的奥布,两个孩子的父亲, 他说,为捕捉到那些‘完美漂亮的海浪,豁出命来,我觉得也值。

He said: "I love the ocean - I am addicted tothe waves. Especially places like Waimea Bay. I started surfing therein the 1990s and now I like to photograph it as much as possible.“我爱海洋,我觉得对波浪简直有瘾,尤其是像维美这样的海湾。1990 我开始冲浪,而现在我却喜欢尽可能的拍下它们。”

"I'm always in the water before dawn to try and snap that perfect picture as the sun rises."I try to capture the beauty and power ofthese monstrous waves from the inside out. I enjoy the power and beautyof the huge waves that roll through.“我总是这样,每当清晨太阳升起之前,我已在水中,对着美丽的画面按下快门。”我想要的就是这种排山倒海的巨浪,在浪口风尖,由里向外地,表现奔你而来的大浪的铺天盖地力和美。

"Thanks to experience I can capture some of those heavy moments without getting slammed about myself. Well, most of the time."“幸运地是,几乎每次都是经验帮了大忙,使我才能够拿捏炫彩的瞬间,而不被波涛卷走。”

Ref Link: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/photography/4838814/Images-that-show-the-inside-of-breaking-waves.html
 Feb 26,2009
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