[法语歌]《我离开了我的祖国J\'ai quitté Mon Pays》 - Enrico Macias演唱
文章来源: 法国薰衣草2009-04-04 14:59:07

Enrico Macias出生在于阿尔及利亚一个犹太家庭,父亲是小提琴师,他从小喜爱音乐,弹吉它,后移居法国,是一位很受欢迎的法语歌手。

在youtube里找到他唱的两首很好听可有点忧伤的思乡歌,他的这两首歌不知道让多少生活在法国的异乡人掉泪。怀念家乡不只是我们中国人特有的,其他民族也和我们一样,是啊,虽说好男儿四海为家,但在我们的心灵深处还是最想念家乡,想念那里的亲人和朋友,因为我是喝家乡的水长大的, 不是吗?


Enrico Macias

(1) J'ai quitt é mon pays lyrics 我离开了我的祖国 歌词

J'ai quitt é mon pays 我离开了我的祖国
J'ai quitt é ma maison 我离开了我的家
Ma vie ma triste vie 我的生活,我忧郁的生活
Se traîne sans raison 就这么没理由的过着

J'ai quitt é mon soleil 我离开了太阳
J'ai quitt é ma mer bleue 我离开了蓝色的大海
Leurs souvenirs se r é veillent 与它们分别后
Bien apr è s mon adieu 梦醒后留下的只是回忆

Soleil ! soleil de mon pays perdu 太阳,我远离祖国的太阳
Des villes blanches que j'aimais 城市,我爱的白色城市
Des filles que j'ai jadis connues 姑娘,我曾经熟悉的姑娘
J'ai quitt é une amie 我离开了一位(女)朋友
Je vois encore ses yeux 我似乎还能看见她得双眼
Ses yeux mouill é s de pluie 她的双眼像被雨水打湿
De la pluie de l'adieu 在雨中与她分别
Je revois son sourire 我也看到了她的笑容
Si pr è s de mon visage 这么靠近我的脸
Il faisait resplendir 闪亮在
Les soirs de mon village 我村庄的夜晚

Mais, du bord du bateau 可是,船儿
Qui m' é loignait du quai 渐渐远离岸边
Une chaîne dans l'eau 水中的长链
A claqu é comme un fouet 如同长鞭般作响
J'ai longtemps regard é 我久久地看着
Ses yeux bleus qui fuyaient aient aient 她那蓝色的双眼逃走
La mer les a noy é s dans le flot 被大海的波涛淹没
Du regret et et et et 久久叹息着。。。。。。

(2)Mon ami, mon frère 我的朋友 我的兄弟歌词

Mon ami, mon frère 我的朋友 我的兄弟
Dis-moi comment faire Pour nous aimer sur terre 请告诉我在我们的土地上怎么友爱
J'ai longtemps dérivé vers les ports et les gares 我久久地徘徊在港口和火车站
Les banlieues assoupies m'ont vu passer hagard 我惊恐地穿过昏睡的郊外
J'ai suivi des chemins, au rythme des errances 我踩着流浪的节奏走在路上
Et les vents parlaient beau, charriaient les espérances 风儿说着美丽的语言,也带来希望

Mon ami, mon frère我的朋友 我的兄弟
Dis-moi comment faire告诉我怎么做
Pour nous aimer sur terre在我们的土地上互相友爱

J'ai cherché un regard dans la foule sans nom 我在人群里寻找一个没有姓名的眼光
Enfermé dans la brume et fardé de néon 它却消失在雾和霓虹灯里
Mais la foule s'en va, mais la foule piétine 人群走了,跺着脚
Sans regard pour celui qui recherche ses racines都没有看一眼这位在寻根的人

Mon ami, mon frère我的朋友 我的兄弟
Dis-moi comment faire告诉我怎么做
Pour nous aimer sur terre在我们的土地上互相友爱

Je suis comme un voilier qu'aucun port ne console 我是一位航海手, 可没有港口给我安慰
Je suis las de voguer sans ancre ni boussole我航行在大海上,没有罗盘和锚
Où trouver lance bleu à la gorge sereine 蓝色的旗杆插在我紧紧的喉咙里
Où trouver le repos et l'oubli de tant de peine 我歇息,忘却如此之多的痛苦

Mon ami, mon frère我的朋友 我的兄弟
Dis-moi comment faire告诉我怎么做
Pour nous aimer sur terre在我们的土地上互相友爱

Dans le monde il y a tant d'amour en souffrance 在世界上有多少爱都忍受着痛苦
Tant de vies revêtues d'un manteau d'innocence有多少生命穿着无辜者的大衣
Qu'un beau jour tu es sûr de la voir arriver 一天你可能看到
Celle qui comprendra que la vie t'a oublier生活却把你遗忘

Mon ami, mon frère我的朋友 我的兄弟
Dis-moi comment faire告诉我怎么做
Pour nous aimer sur terre在我们的土地上互相友爱

(法国薰衣草浅译, 肯定有翻得不恰当的地方,请高手指正。)

Enrico Macias

He was born to a Jewish family in Constantine, then French Algeria and played the guitar since childhood. His father was a violinist in an orchestra that played primarily maalouf, Andalo-Arabic music. Gaston started playing with the orchestra at 15, and soon replaced the bandleader, Cheick Raymond.

He pursued a career as a school teacher, but continued practicing the guitar. In 1961, Cheick Raymond was killed. That same year, the Algerian War of Independence was raging, and the situation became untenable for the French residents of Constantine. Gaston (Macias) went into exile in mainland France with his wife, Suzy, the daughter of Cheick Raymond.

Arriving in Paris, he decided to pursue a career in music. At first, he tried translating the maalouf numbers that he already knew into French. This was not very successful, and he developed a new French repertoire that he performed in cafés and cabarets.

He made his first recording in 1962 titled "Adieu mon pays," which he had composed on the boat to France. He appeared on French television and became an overnight sensation. This led to a first tour the following year. His daughter Jocya was also born that year.

In 1964, he was transformed into Enrico Macias and undertook a tour to Lebanon, Greece, and Turkey. He was performing his big hits such as Paris, tu m'as pris dans tes bras. From that time on, he toured throughout the world, recorded hit songs in Spanish and Italian, and met great success on every continent. His American debut at a sold-out Carnegie Hall took place on February 17, 1968.

He received a gold disc in 1976 for Mélissa, and was named Singer of Peace by UN Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim in 1980. In 1997, Kofi Annan named him Roving Ambassador for Peace and the Defence of Children.

After the cancellation of a proposed tour in Algeria in 2000, he wrote a book Mon Algérie, a love story of his feelings for his native land. In 2003, he put out a new album Oranges amères produced by his son, Jean-Claude Ghrenassia. He has a great song called "Enfant de Tous Pays".

He attempted again unsuccessfully to visit Algeria in November 2007 accompanying French president Nicolas Sarkozy, but was faced with fierce resistance from several Algerian organizations and individuals, including Algerian Prime Minister Abdelaziz Belkhadem, due to his support of Israel