读九月<你来时空空, 走时也将空空>有感
文章来源: 平安是福mtl2011-03-26 05:18:36

昨天看到九月的<他告诉我:你来时空空, 走时也将空空>,思绪却总也回不到工作中来,那种强烈的共鸣让我有种不吐不快的感觉,于是很快回了她。下面的我的话:



我们的生活还在继续,明白应该"活在当下, 好好珍惜"。可正如你说的,并不是许多人都知道怎样去做的。前段时间日本地震,我同事(欧洲人,已经工作了30多年,孩子大了,房子付清了)的弟弟正好到日本出差,被困在哪里。她感慨说:这种天灾人祸如果让我们遇到了,我们除了接受外无能为力。当时是星期五的六点多,好多人早早回家了。于是我说:那我们为什么还在这里加班呀?






Lyrics to Last Day of Your Life :

Let me take you to
My secret place
High above the earth
Into out of space
Only God knows where
Only God knows how
I will take you there

If this was the last day of your life
What would you do to make things right?
Cause this is the last day of your life
Who you gonna call to make things right?

I love you
Shine on

All that's beautiful is before your face
Now you're in the heart of a secret place
There's infinity in a grain of sand
An eternity in the palm of your hand

If this was the last day of your life
What would you do to make things right?
Well this is the last day of your life
Who you gonna call to make things right?

I love you
Shine on
Shine on
Let me take you to
My secret place
High above the earth
Into out of space
Only God knows where
Only God knows how
I will take you there

If this was the last day of your life
What would you do to make things right?
Cause this is the last day of your life
Who you gonna call to make things right?

I love you
Shine on

All that's beautiful is before your face
Now you're in the heart of a secret place
There's infinity in a grain of sand
An eternity in the palm of your hand

If this was the last day of your life
What would you do to make things right?
Well this is the last day of your life
Who you gonna call to make things right?

I love you
Shine on
Shine on