Who wants to be a pig? -- Just for fun
文章来源: 平安是福mtl2008-09-05 19:49:12





于是他们想出一个办法: 由其中一个给大家讲一个笑话,谁先笑谁就跳下去;如果两分钟之内谁都不笑,那么讲笑话的人就得跳下去。






Recently my project manager played with us a psychological test and asked us some questions like “what animal you want to be in the future?” “what animal you expect others to think about you”...We needed to choose from one of the animals: Parrot, Elephant, Lion and Dog. There is no pig in the list. I believe no one wants to be a pig.

This reminds me of a story (or joke) I heard long time ago. It’s so long that I can’t remember the detail, so I made one based on the point.

There are 4 animals: a pig, a monkey, a tiger and a horse. They go together to a destination and they need to come cross a big river. There is only one boat so they have to squeeze in it.

But something happens when they are in the middle of the river and one of them has to leave the boat otherwise all of them will die. Of course, no one wants to sacrifice voluntarily!

Then they come out a solution: One of them will tell a joke. The one who laughs first within 2 minutes will jump into the river without question; If no one laughs, the one who tells the story will have to leave the boat.

The monkey decides to tell the story. After he finishes, no one laughs, but obviously the horse and the tiger are trying their very best not to laugh, only the pig is so calm.

2 minutes passes, the monkey has no choice but jump into the river. While the monkey is struggling in the water, suddenly the pig starts laughing! Hahahaha...

Do you get that? The pig just gets into the joke and feels it’s soooooo funny.

So...Sometimes being a pig is not a bad thing, isn't it? It makes you survive in a critical position!

Now, do you want to be this pig? ;)