rjzhaoyun: 拿到病理PRE-MATCH这一路下来的几点面试经验教训
文章来源: 力刀2008-01-09 23:06:16


寄信人: rjzhaoyun (passenger)
标 题: interview experience
发信站: 未名空间 (Wed Jan 9 20:42:59 2008)
来 源: 74.93.

本人背景:90/89/CSpass/no step 3/green card/10 year from graduation/MDPHD

from China

申请了50+pathology, 40+preliminary, 40+neurology

得到 6 个pathology interview
6个neurology interview
5 个 preliminary interview

一月初拿到prematch (pathology) from a community hospital. 在咨询老刀、和
一些业内人士后,下定决心,不准备继续play the game, 准备签合同安心过一个
春节。I may sell myself cheap, but I know that I\\\'m not that expensive and
can not afford unmatched mentally and physically. So there is nothing to
regret for.


jimmy以及大家的鼓励和建议.只有在这种open 和positive的环境中,才会有越来

1:全面了解申请的科目。非常惭愧我真的对pathology 了解的不多,尽管去做了
observorship, 但每周有限几次的两三个小时,我就仅仅知道他们的大致工作流程

工作环境,也不知道怎么比较program, 哪里的fellowship 是好的,谁是牛人。 总
之,太naive, 我觉得去interview 的过程也是我了解pathology的过程。大家千万
不要像我这样。一定要知道你怎么样去比较program. (specimen, board pass rate,
fellowship, work load, preview time, scutwork, PA number)

2 面试时一般问题居多. 但是注意有些问题的问法不同. 例如 ”Can you tell
how you get to this point in your life?”我开始还想着要把自己对pathology热

3面试中的tough question (pathology)

1)问得最多的问题当然是 “why switch from pathology to research, and why
” 我想在这个论坛以充分详细讨论过许多次,有非常好的答案.我也是受益者之一.


2) a faculty(F) at St. Luke’s非常温和,冷不丁问了我一句 “ If you can
not be a pathologist one day, or there is no pathologist position in the
whole world, what will you do? ”我回答说: I would teach pathology since
I enjoyed teaching and sharing my knowledge in pathology with….. 从她的

3)当我说到”pathologist is physician’s physician” , a faculty at Uni
Louisville问 “Do you think so? And why you think so” 他问问题的语气仿佛

4) 还是这个faculty,给我讲述了一个故事(一个病理医生在医生短缺的情况下
Katrina hurricane后给病人治病,有direct patient care, 但媒体认为不妥,因
理医生没有这方面的单独培训)后问我 ”If you were that pathologist, what
will you tell the media?” 我想怎么考behavior science, 依稀记得关于内科医
生在路边给产妇接生的题目。于是开始倒浆糊。”Well, it is a difficult situation
...” 后来他告诉我 他的观点“pathologist is MD, we have had that training
before and we are able to do this”. 然后上升到“image of pathologist in
the society”。他又大谈特谈这个社会对pathologist的偏见。我也就附和几句,

5) 在一个community hospital, PD问我“If there is no position for community

pathologist and only academic position open to you, will you go back to

academic again? 我 simply 否定他的问题前提,陈述自己truly only commit to
community. 其实这个问题延伸到long term goal. 也一直是bother我的问题。因为
我同时申请了Community 和university program. 一般community 问我, 我就 commit
to community service. 如果university 问我, 我就 是 academic pathologist.
(我的PS上说的笼统)见人说人话,见鬼说鬼话。 不知道大家都怎么回答这种问题

6) UMDNJ 的 一个faculty 考我看slides, 坐在他对对面的显微镜,我的心里惨叫:
我根本不知道镜下是什么组织。那个faculty 说 “这个对你难了点, 是bone tissue”。
我就顺着说, 是啊,是啊 , a lot to learn, I will work hard to learn pathology
in residency training. 但是这个特别影响我. 后面的performance不是很好。 教
训:no matter what happens during the interview, forget that.

7) University of Chicago 的vice chairman 评论我的 “long term goal as a

neuropathologist” 说 “you have been doing neuroscience research and you

want to do neuropathology, it is too superficial”. 我觉得我没有把为什么
我要做pathology 讲清楚,给他这样一个negative impression。还有,Dr. Kumar
的确是牛人,人非常和蔼. 他开始毫不吝舍的称赞你,见面后的第二句话就把我的研

4. 面试中的小点滴:

1) You have doing observation for quite a while, but you still have a full

time research work, how do you manage that?

) A well dressed female faculty has a really horribly messy office. When

she open the door, she says: I am very sorry for the mess. When I saw the

office like a garbage place, littering with paper and other things. I really
have not seen any place like this and was totally shocked. 我傻傻得站在
那儿,不知说什么. It is better to react not like that. I feel one need
to be very humorous to deal with this mess.

3) Bring an umbrella if it is going to rain. Be prepared, always. The PD

even ask me if I have umbrella in a raining day and complement me “you
well prepared”

5.还有,不要在电话里直接take prematch. 那让我stress了三天.其实完全可

6. 最好不要把面试排的太密.不要把不同专业的面试排的太近.我当时把New York


7. Attitude 非常重要. Show your positive, optimistic side, always.

一路走来,感触颇多.对LG, 父母的support和 sacrifice,心怀无限感激. 终于可

希望越来越多的CMG 都能实现在美国当医生的梦想。

1/9/2008 寄自 美国医学教育博客 http://www.mitbbs.com/pc/pcmanage.php?userid=USMedEdu&act=post

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