文章来源: GM882022-06-14 18:47:21

星期六,云淡风高,决定再去访问King Ravine, 爬Mt Adams. 

The Terrifying 25 is one of several extremely fun hiking lists in New England. It is the only list dedicated to climbing the scariest of New Hampshire's trails. The list was created by Alex, Sage & Patricia Herr and it focuses on NH's trails that include rock scrambles, scree slopes, boulder caves, ladders and rock slides.

Of the 25 trails on this list, 20 trails are required and 5 trails are elective from a pool of 14 trails. All of the rules for hiking the Terrifying 25 can be found on the official website for the list: The Terrifying 25


这次走的有三条正式terrifying, 一条optional

King Ravine, Chemin Des Dames, Subway, + Airline. 最后登Mt Adams, NH 第二高峰。 


Mossy Fall

King Ravine的石头堆里看到的美景:)



进入Chemin Des Dames


快到air line

美丽的Air Line

向下看king ravine

lunch view





看得到Madison Hut


恋恋不舍air line
