私房语录 (57-58)
文章来源: 海棠花飞2016-12-12 11:36:27

57. 在带外公外婆参观校园时,看到一系楼,好学的外婆指着楼名, 略带显摆地问外孙- 这个念“喷杀奥乐鸡”吧。外孙一听着急了:“No, this is “Psychology”. 顾念到外婆英文不太灵光,就想用他有限的中文来解释 这个词里”P” 是不发音的,无奈自个儿的中文也不灵,结果很悲催,成了: “这个”P” 是不能“放”出声音的………


58. 终于熬完艰难的大学第一学期,回自己房间好好的睡了一觉后,儿子心情不错。问及在大学寝室与室友相处情况,儿子答道:“My roommate has some issues at night.  He snores loudly. To make it worse, he likes to turn on his fans while sleeping. “  我们都深表同情和无奈。儿子就宽慰我们:“This is okay.  Roommates always have issues, either have issues at night, or have issues during daytime.  The good news is: my roommate does not give me headaches during daytime.”  听了他的理论,我怯怯地问:“Dear, per your Roommate Theory, does it mean you cause some daytime issues for your roommate?”  儿子一楞,眼珠一转,缓缓地说:“I am the exceptional”……..