文章来源: Summer她爹2007-05-24 16:10:58
It was free, and everyday there is a nurse came in, showed my wife and asked for her choice, include: soup, salad, fruits, main entrees and desert
No, soup and main entrees are hot, I am not sure if it is good for mommy by Chinese definition, but it contains all the nutrition
I dont remember that, only remember that the OB did not encourage my wife to drink too much water during and before the labor, only ice, but after the labor, she was allow drink anything
In my case, father get one free meal everyday, otherwise I could bring in any food for myself and my wife before or after the labor
The hospital provided everything, it is free and they asked us to bring home a lot as well..
Do not know what kind of services you mean here, but in my case, the father can get free massage anytime I want. and the baby can stay in the nursing room anytime we want, just to have some rest and let the nurses take over the charge