文章来源: 菲儿天地2015-10-25 17:48:51

最近一直看习大大吃Cameron 请的鱼薯条,连在上海的朋友都吃了,东风吹,战鼓擂,这年头,谁怕谁,俺也来学做!




厨师朋友说要用british beer 做batter 才正宗,好吧,那就按厨师的做。


做了鱼薯条,实在觉得有点不好意思,热量太大了,又做了中国版的法式Seafood Newburg,海鲜烩,觉得这个才比较健康。













材料 :

4 cod fish fillets or 4 haddock fillets

6 ounces plain flour 面粉

1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda 1 (8 fluid ounce) bottlebritish beer, 啤酒

Small 1⁄2 lemon, juice of salt & pepper extra flour ,外加几个土豆



Heat fat up in a chip pan or automatic deep fat fryer - mine has a chip setting which is 190°C. 190度油锅

Peel the potatoes and cut into chunky sized chips. 土豆切成条

Rinse and dry thoroughly. Fry chips for about 3 minutes until soft but NOT coloured.  Put some flour onto a plate. 190 度炸3分钟,不要炸硬了。

Dredge the fish fillets in the flour thoroughly - this is VERY important, it stops the batter sliding off when fried! 鱼在面粉里裹

Leave the fish fillets in the flour whilst you make the batter.

Put flour, bicarbonate of soda, salt and pepper into a large roomy bowl. Add the beer gradually, stop when you have a thick coating type of batter. Drink any beer that is left! 盐,胡椒,面粉 bicarbonate of soda一起搅,慢慢加啤酒进去,剩下的酒你就可以留着自己喝:)

Whisk thoroughly until it is smooth and there are no lumps.Add the lemon juice OR a splash of malt vinegar if desired.弄到没有结块,加柠檬汁

Turn up the heat setting to 190°C again and cook your chips until golden and crisp. 炸的金黄就好了,不要炸太硬了,刚炸完外面皮很脆,里面鱼是软的,很香。




一直想做在白山Omni Mount Washington Resort吃的法式的Seafood Newburg,但又觉得里面的奶酪太多了,又有点酸口味,受博友南山松在《家乡百家宴》海鲜炖的影响,我干脆做了改良的海鲜烩,把这本菜谱用上了,谢谢啊!





我用的龙虾,大鲜贝,大去皮虾十个,家里正好只有三文鱼,洋葱一个,几根白芦笋,一个青椒,一个西红柿,一个king蘑菇,Plantain 1只,1只青柠檬,几瓣蒜,少许辣椒碎,一块三文鱼。因为我就是一小块三文鱼所以不用炖很久,虾,龙虾,鲜贝都很容易老,就把蔬菜先一点橄榄油放锅里几分钟,然后放腌过十五分钟的鱼在LC锅,接着是上过芡粉或蛋清的虾,鲜贝,龙虾进去6,7分钟就差不多了,汁鲜美得不得了。

调料: 盐,橄榄油,黑胡椒粉。


1. 挤出一只青柠檬的汁,放1/2 tsp盐, 1/2 tsp辣椒碎,1 tbs蒜碎,混匀后,倒入装有鱼片的盆中,盖上保鲜膜,放鱼进去,虾,鲜贝进去,因为赶时间,没有照菜谱腌很久。

2. 番茄、洋葱、青椒、红椒均切成小丁,plantain斜切成片,香菜切细末。

3. 锅内一层层按次序放入番茄丁、洋葱丁、青椒/红椒丁、小甜椒丁和芦笋,再铺上Plantain片,撒上盐和黑胡椒粉调味后,放上鱼片,撒上香菜和parsley末,最后把虾放上。

4。 将腌鱼、虾的汁浇上,再浇上大约1/4 杯的橄榄油。开中火加热,看到锅边液汁起小泡时,把火调小,盖上锅盖。炖上8分钟后,就是一锅微辣鲜美的海鲜炖啦,就是这个盘子太难看了。