文章来源: 不很明了2012-09-25 23:21:31
New Art / 

This granny’s tattoo is edgier than yours

It took an 82-year-old English granny to tattoo ‘Do Not Resuscitate‘ on her chest for us to realise just how weak the last badass tattoo we gushed about was. Apparently Joy Tomkins, who decided to do this after witnessing her husband’s slow and painful death, got this tatt inked with another one saying ‘P.T.O’ (short for ‘please turn over’) on the back of her right shoulder. This came up in news stories in September 2011, and seeing how Tomkins hasn’t made the news since, we’re guessing she’s still alive. Before you lament the lack of design in the artwork though, let it be known that the granny of six spent
just £5 on both tatts — and hey, all things must pass.

