文章来源: 饶舌2004-12-17 22:03:09
文章来源: 海蜇 于 2004-07-19 16:39:00 阿桃的母亲才四十多岁,得了肾衰竭,需要换肾才可以健康存活。从楼下阿桃的帖子看,目前的问题是她母亲不肯接受换肾,阿桃希望她母亲能信仰基督而获得永生。 我想我们要祈祷阿桃的母亲信仰基督,同时也要继续为她接受治疗,获得治疗的条件以及依靠身体自身的康复机制获得健康状况好转而祈祷。 为方便阅读,我把阿桃贴子并在一起贴在下面。 She seems not too bad. But the 文章来源: 阿桃~ 于 2004-07-19 14:43:43 kidney is dying. THe only way is to tranplant it. But she wouldn't accept surgury. She said, let it be. That's a problem Please pray that she can accep 文章来源: 阿桃~ 于 2004-07-19 14:46:28 Jesus one day, especially in her current situation. I hope she can have eternal life even if doctor can not save her.