一个不能被替代的生命 --- 伊迪的最后独白。
文章来源: 云易2010-01-12 19:38:25



我的骨灰被撒在我走过的草坪上,撒在曾给我遮荫的大树旁,撒在我曾经爱慕过的玫瑰花上,撒在我曾经和朋友说长道短甚至谣言蜚语的栅栏边。在朋友给我最后道别之后,一阵微风袭来,把剩下的骨灰卷起在空中 --- 于是我俯视大地,让我的灵魂随风漂游,漂游过白色的栅栏,小巷和汽车,漂游过咖啡杯和洗尘器,漂流漂游过所有的曾经被觉得如此普通的物件,但当你把所有的东西结合在一起,他们就形成了生命 --- 一个独特的不能被取代的生命。



"That's how Wisteria Lane became to be my final resting place:
My ashes was spread on grass I had once walked on; beneath trees that once gave me shade; on top of roses I once admired; and beside the fences I once gossiped over. After my friends finished saying goodbye, a wind came along, took what was left of me into the air. As I looked down on the world, I began to let it go of it, I let it go over white fences, cars and drive ways, , coffee cups and vacuum cleaners.  I let it go over all those things which seemed so ordinary, but when you put them together they make up a life, a life that really was one of a kind. I tell you something, it is not hard to die when you know you have lived. and I did.
oh, how I lived! "

From "Desperate Housewives" season 5 episode 19.