文章来源: winston_cui2007-05-02 07:52:56


Ladder 1. the Way (i.e., the ladder to heaven) (281-19). 2. any kind of ascent (900-128). 3. descending a ladder-doing something in life that is a "step down" from what was previously done (900-314, A-6). 4. missing rung of ladder - a hardship along the way of life (281-19, A-7). Other possibilities: 1. success. 2. improvement which comes through a series of separate events or efforts. 3. elevated social prestige.


Lake peace and tranquility (262-8). Other possibilities: 1. a haven. 2. pool-that which reflects or mirrors.


Leaves dead leaves on ground that which is sloughed off or ejected (like drosses from the physical body) (294-136). Other possibilities: 1. life, growth. 2. easily blown about or separated from one's origins.


Letter 1. information which comes (900-242). 2. messages of truth (538-19, A-1). Other possibilities: 1. a realization. 2. telepathic contact.


Light 1. great lessons and great truths 2. knowledge and its application which brings understanding (341-22). 3. the throne of (God's Presence (136-26). 4. the rays of God's love, peace, and happiness (900-216). 5. a higher force and power (900-315). 6.that directing force as would show the way to gain more perfect knowledge (900-159). 7. hope (137-46). Other possibilities: 1. one's conscious awareness of individuality. 2. conscious intellect. 3. conscious attention.


Light bulb 1.that which brings the light of understanding (900-366). 2.one's own intuition (900-278, A-7).


Lightning 1. the higher forces, which may be destructive to many people, but can be a life-giving flow (900-79). 2. fear (i.e., struck by lightning) (136-45). Other possibilities: 1. sudden realization. 2. revenge. 3. sudden discharge of tension. 4. instant karma..


Liquor 1. laying aside physical consciousness (136-60). 2. literally, about drinking habits (137-97; 900-264). Other possibilities: 1. dissolved inhibitions. 2. intoxication, ecstasy. 3. the spirit (pun). 4. temporary relaxation. 5. desire to escape reality.


Luggage 1. that which you "have in hand" in your life (294-100, A-1). 2. that which is at hand and is "tried and true" (294-39, A-1). Other possibilities: burdens, psychological or physical.