going to BBQ party at Meg's home,Sept.15,2012
文章来源: 依桃碧谷人家2012-09-17 16:36:59

Meg invited us,shu shu, A Yi,Vivian and her little girl to her BBQ party at her house.


She prepared so much food, cold dishes, soup, veggies, salad, fruits, A yi brought tea eggs, we brought in beers.


We are having burgers,sausages,chicken drumsticks,BBQ roasted sugar corns,sweet potatoes,barley soup.


We enjoyed the food as well as the company.


Kids are having fun to eat together, mostly having fun chasing around.


It is not easy to get together as everyone is so busy with kids and work. Meg said she wanted to have us together before Vivian and her girl left for China.


We treasure every moment that we get together.Eat,Laugh,Love,Live...