My Son's English Writing (EN)
文章来源: 漫游2007-06-13 14:55:20

(This was an e-mail to a friend with a few modifications)

When I heard from my son’s second grade teacher saying he is a great writer I was not sure what she meant.

Yesterday my wife handed a pile of my son's English writing work and I was amazed for what I read. Here are two pieces I would like to share with my friends in the city.

"About Me, Sad Times"

Sometimes I am sad. When I am sad I usually do not feel like saying anything or arguing.

Some of the saddest things that have happened in my life are when my Dad spanked me really hard when I was bad, and when I can not play. When I am sad I usually sit doing nothing. Something that helps me feel better when I am sad is being treated nicely and kindly.

Now you know a little about what makes me sad.

=== End of 1st Piece ===

The second piece doesn’t have a title and is about a picture he picked from a calendar. He received an “Excellent” award on this.

"(No Titile)"

I chose this picture because of its pretty wave and magnificent sea. The first things I notice when I look at this picture are the little, white, fantastic waves and the yellowish, brownish rocks.

Just looking at this picture makes me feel beautiful and as calm as the sea and makes me wish I could be there with all my friends. Something especially beautiful in this picture is the nice water splashing against the rocks in the middle. When I close my eyes and imagine myself in this picture, I can almost hear the sound of the water splashing against the rocks and smell the magnificent smell of algae.

It is so beautiful and I hope it can stay there forever, just for me.

=== End of 2nd Piece ===


谢谢Melly 的comment。是啊,看了自己都觉得很伤心。有那么一次是重了点。记得小时候父亲常对我们说,他祖父是用的鎯头揍他的父亲,他父亲用的是竹尺,而他则用手对付我们。到了我这儿就只揍屁股。不过体罚就像原子弹一样,主要起个威胁作用。有了那么一次深刻的印象以后就一直可以受用了。其实收益最多的还是心疼的太太。每当对付不了儿子的时候就会听她说:“那我就叫爸爸来管你噢?”当然我也没那么傻随便就加以干涉:一来我不愿老是扮演“黑脸”的角色,二来那也会有损做妈妈的威信吧?

一次在中央四台一个节目里看到一个做父亲的,在女儿小的时候体罚她以前先体罚自己。从那以后这也成了漫游的 Standard 。漫游常提醒儿子, Monster Evil Daddy 其实都在他的掌握之中。儿子灵的很,知道如何避免 Monster 的出现。至今儿子还只见过一次漫游对自己这样的体罚。

至于父亲节的礼物嘛,通过城里的信箱前两天倒已经意外地收到了一份。Too late.  :)