看病英语对话 (1)
文章来源: ChineseInSF.com2007-02-24 23:49:17


Dialogue 1:

Pharmacist: Good afternoon. Can I help you?

Customer: Yes. Let’s hope so.

Pharmacist: What seems to be wrong?

Customer: I’ve got an upset stomach - it’s pretty bad. I’ve been up all night with it. And now I’ve got a bad headache, as well.

Pharmacist: I see. When did it first start?

Customer: When I went to bed.

Pharmacist: Do you think it’s something you have eaten?

Customer: Oh, for sure. I’m not used to all this wining and dining.

Pharmacist: No – it can be pretty strong.

Customer: I’ll say! You can say that again!

Pharmacist: Have you got diarrhea? Is it very loose?

Customer: That’s what it feels like.

Pharmacist: How often do you have to go?

Customer: I have to go every few minutes.
