文章来源: ChineseInSF.com2007-02-20 17:12:00
When you stop talking, you've lost your customer." - Estee Lauder

怎样跟推销员聊天? 以下是一些可以打开话题的提问。

Who's the Competition?
What do you sell?

What's your territory?
What area are you responsible for?
Where do you get your prospects?
How do you find your potential customers?

Do you work on commission or salary?

Do you make sales calls?
Do you do any cold calling?

Is your operation computerized?
What kind of software do you use to keep track of customers, sales and leads?

Do you have any special Techniques for closing the sale?
How do you handle rejection?

What's the toughest sale you ever made?
Do you have any special affirmations to get you through the tough days?

What's the secret of selling?
