也来凑热闹, 圣诞UTAH行计划
文章来源: 鱼歇息2007-01-31 16:50:55
这里真是个好地方, 人心善良, 视野开阔, 景色迷人,让人流连忘返.

我是上个月计划 UTAH 圣诞行时, 搜寻到erdong的大作, 一脚踩进了这个坛子.潜水一个月有余,真是叹为观止. Deepcreek,apuma, mengxu, moab, 一家三口在路上, Iliketraveling......还有好多作者, 你们的文章图文并茂,回答别人的问题时热情周到. 很佩服大家贡献自己的时间,精力和热情来写游记,贴照片.也很羡慕你们素未谋面却真挚纯洁的情谊.

闲话少叙, 来看我的计划吧. 按大家经验, 升级了相机(NikonD80 +18mm-200mm镜头),SUV 是去年买的,备上厚衣服,装备齐全,等着圣诞到来. 一想到UTAH那些红色的岩石,我就热血沸腾呀.

12/21 Thursday:
Drive to Las Vegas.

12/22 Friday:
L.V to Zion park (#15 freeway ) 2.5 hours , 160miles
afternoon: hiking: Angels Landing trail: 2.5mils. or : watchman
viewpoint trail, canyon overlook trail (half mile), riverside walk (1mile paved road, 1.5 hours, from Temple of Sinawava to the Narrows, thisis the most popular trail.)

12/23 Saturday:
Morning : hiking in Zion.
After lunch: drive to Page. 120mile. 2.5hours.
To horsehoe bend. 3 miles south page, just off U.S 89, within mile
marker 545 &545.over 1,100feet Colorado river.
Walk around Page city.
Night: Page.


12/24 Sunday:
page to Glen Canyon Dam, lake powell.

boat Tour to Rainbow Bridge.(one of natural wonders of the world).
Night: Page.

12/25 Monday: Christmas

Drive to Moab: 6 hours.
Page to Mexican hat: 142 miles, 3.5 hours,
Mexican hat to Monticello : 70miles, 1.5 hours. (goosenecks sp
(where?))(the valley of god)
Monticello to Moab: 54 miles. 1 hour.
On the way: Monument valley park: 1.5 hour (need to join the tour?)
Night: Moab.

12/26 Tuesday:
Drive to Arches national park. Half day. Window section, delicate arch
trail, devil+IBk-s garden, landscape arch, 306 feet long
Dead horse point state park: 1 hour.
Canyonlands NP, Slickrock trail. North: island in the sky

Night: Monticello.

12/27 Wednesday:
Morning: Neddle
Then Drive to Bryce canyon. UT84717, pass Natural bridges NM
Hw25 to Hw95 (scenic drive), Hw 24 pass capitol reef NP (stay for 2hour. (Hickman bridge trail)
then Hw12.
Night: Rubby Inn.

12/28 Thurday:
hiking Bryce canyon. Queen+IBk-s garden trail and Fairyland loop
Night: Rubb s Inn.

12/29 drive to Las Vegas.

12/30 go home

综合前辈们的游记(真谢谢大家的宝贵经验),费尽心血计划, 大家提提建议吧, 还有什么要注意的?
1. Antolop valley 是否值得一去呢?
2. 在lake powvell 上是自己租power boat玩好, 还是坐tour 游船好玩?
power boat挺贵, $230 一天, (现在没有只租半天的了.) 我们只有两个人开, 又怕累. 有12/23 或 12/24 到 lake powvell 同游的朋友吗? 我们可以share.
3. 请问有人去了Rainbow bridge 吗? 那儿风景如何?
4.Mengxu 提到的Coyote Butts, 有更多资料吗?
5. 请推荐Las vegas 的 show.