Max 和老师的信
文章来源: 坐家妈妈2008-10-01 18:25:42

昨天Max上阅读课,他读完了老师规定读的书后,他闲着没事,突发其想,给他的老师Ms. D写了一封信。


What do you like most about school?

Do you like teaching French better or do you like teaching grade 2 better? (他的老师曾教过法语)

的老师Ms. D在一张特漂亮的纸上给Max回了一封信。

Dear Max,

Thank you for your letter! The thing I like most about school is math. I like teaching grade 2 a lot. I really love our class!

From Miss D

P.S. What is your favorite part of school?