文章来源: 黑黑黑黑2010-02-07 16:42:23
周末检查8黑作业,是Groundhog Day藏头诗一首。受二好同学的启发,决心从今后以positive眼神看待一切事物的我,惊喜万分地对他大加追捧,再出一个Happy New Year限他七步成诗。 写得应时应景颇有回味,诗才急智简直跟花大诗人有一拼:

Happy New Year   
High snowy day   
A NewYear's night   
Place to celetrate  
Party in China   
Yep, China the Chinese celebrate 
Night the snow is melting  
Eve of the NewYear's night  
Why don't we celebrate?  
Yool(?), very cold day  
Ever so happy   
A newYear's Eve   
Rise and shine   
Smart Little Tony   
So very smart kid   
Math very simple   
A+ for Tony   
Right So much good answers  
Till homework is done  
Let Tony teach us   
I want to be a teacher  
Till the homework is checked 
Till homework is so neat  
Light up the lamp so I can see 
Eat dinner and go to sleep  
Tonight I am done with it  
Ooh, I see this homework is hard 
Now we are going to sleep?  
Yay! Hooray for me!  
Silly Mommy   
Silly, silly, Mommy  
Is very silly   
Lying on the ground playing games 
Lying all there by herself  
Yacking saying "Ahhoweeooiii"!! 
Making a lot of noises  
"Ooweoweeiiilaaggg" She says 
"Mooaweeeeooosssggg" She shouts 
"Mommy", I say, "What are you doing?"
"Yeesoowagggaseeeoosa!!" Screamed Mommy.