Amy Chua is a Wimp!
文章来源: 素不相识2011-01-18 09:01:41

Amy Chua的一篇中国彪悍虎妈(Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior)的文章犹如一块巨石,在网上网下掀起一场中式虎妈与美式放羊妈争论大浪。本人极其不赞同Amy这种彪悍的法西斯教育方法,万分庆幸自己儿时快乐无边,没有虎爸虎妈在耳畔虎啸狮吼。如今教育儿女也遵循着老爸老妈的善诱方式,让他们多享受生活。Amy的文章极端误导,中国妈妈如此偏执的还是少数,大多数妈妈还是以培养心智健康快乐的孩子为主。

From: Daughter
Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2011 8:58 AM
To: Mom
Subject: Fwd:

This is a response article to the one written last week about Chinese mothers.

----- Original Message -----

This is another good article in today's paper, sort of similar themes about what's really important to people in life. Also don't worry, this one's much shorter.



Thanks for the article. I totally agree with Dave Brooks. Amy Chua is a Wimp!

I was very disturbing while reading Amy’s article. The way she treated (brought up) her daughters reminded me of circus trainers (yes, circus trainers but not a loving mom!). I am wondering how this stressful childhood life would affect her daughters in the long run. No doubt the daughters will be very competitive and they will get in elite schools and will have a nice good paying job eventually. Then what? Will they know how to work with others as a team? Will they be happy? Will they be pleasant to be around? Will they even know how to enjoy the friendship and life?

Dave seems to answer my questions:

“ Her kids can’t possibly be happy or truly creative. They’ll grow up skilled and compliant but without the audacity to be great. She’s destroying their love for music. There’s a reason Asian-American women between the ages of 15 and 24 have such high suicide rates. ”

Chinese mothers are not like Amy Chua. She is the extreme of the bad extreme. Lucky you don’t have a TIGER MOM. Ha ha …
