儿子二年级写的有趣作文 Tooth Fairy Club
文章来源: 素不相识2007-09-16 07:26:59

I looked under my pillow to see what the tooth fairy left. I got five dollars. I was happy.

The next day I saw the tooth fairy. I followed her. She noticed me. She made me shrink. Now I was the size of the tooth fairy.

I went to the tooth fairy club. Only tooth fairies were allowed in but some how they let me come into the tooth fairy club. There was also a tooth fairy club boss.

The boss said “Are you from another planet?”

“No. I am from Earth.” I said.

“You are not allow in the tooth fairy club. I am going to kick you out of this club. So get out of here now. Or else you will die.” The boss said.

The guards took me away and I was out of the tooth fairy club. But I was still very small. I went back into the tooth fairy club. The guard pushed me out. I was mad. I went in again. I punched the guard.

I said “Make me big again!”

“We only know how to make big people little and make little people tiny.” The boss said.

I got very very mad. I felt like beating up the boss of the tooth fairy club. But I remembered she has powerful magic.

I was about to knock down the whole entire building of teeth down. But then a guard took me away and put me in the big dungeon.

I screamed. All of the tooth fairies, the boss and the guards heard me scream. I was scared. I tried to brake the bars but the bars were very very hard to break. But I finally broke the very very hard bars.

I escaped. I ran away from the tooth fairy club. There were guards and tooth fairies chasing me. I ran so so fast. I almost fell down.

I was so scared. I ran and ran. I thought I got away.

But No! So many more guards and fairies following me.

I felt down but I got up very quickly. But then I started to grow more and more.

Now I was back to normal and I was bigger than them. They were scared of me. 

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