文章来源: 笨企鹅2010-10-28 08:49:21



1. Last Will and Testament of 某某胖子;

2. First Amendment to某某胖子Revocable Trust; 这个是为了避税和避免法律诉讼。

3. Durable General Power of Attorney of某某胖子;

这个文件里包括, 比如,General Grant of Power, Banking Powers, Power to Acquire, Mange, Lease and Sell, Powers with Respect to Life Insurance Contracts, Powers as to Real Estate, powers with Respect to Retirement Plans, power to sustain his life等等等等。

4. Advance Directive for某某胖子; Durable Power of Attorney and Living Will.主要是说在他的怎样健康条件下,如何应对。

5. HIPAA Form Authorization to Communicate Health Information for某某胖子, 就是授权发布健康信息给家属。